Support Marine Science Education
Make a Gift Online
Your donation provides critical support to our exhibits, education programs and ocean conservation efforts.
Help create a lasting impact!
Our Mission: To cultivate a community dedicated to ocean stewardship through education, engagement, and action.
Every dollar you donate goes directly to fund these three areas. We appreciate every single donation and actively write grants to support projects and award scholarships each year.
- Donate with a Credit Card: Click on the link below and donate by credit card using Square. Please include your address so we can send a thank you card!
- Donate with a Check: Write a check to Central Coast Aquarium and mail to: Central Coast Aquarium, PO Box 460, Avila Beach, CA 93424.
- Donate through Planned Giving: By leaving a legacy gift to support marine science education at the Central Coast Aquarium in your will or estate plans, you will help ensure that we continue to provide high quality PreK to Grade 12 marine science education along with dynamic public education and excellent animal care in our Exhibit Hall well into the future. You can name Central Coast Aquarium as a beneficiary in your will, a qualified IRA, or life insurance plan and your gift will have a lasting impact.
- You also may chose to donate stocks or securities to the Central Coast Aquarium.
- Do you have other ideas about making a donation? Would you like more information about specific needs at the Aquarium? Contact us
The Central Coast Aquarium is a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization.
Legacy Giving
Consult your lawyer, accountant, or financial adviser for specific advice or assistance. If you do include Central Coast Aquarium in your estate plan, please inform us so that we can ensure your wishes are carried out in exactly the manner you have intended.
Sample Bequest Language: “I give, devise, and bequeath (describe dollar amount, property to be given, or percentage of estate) to the Central Coast Aquarium, Tax ID 77-0479110, a California nonprofit public benefit corporation having its principal place of business in Avila Beach, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California. This gift may be used by Central Coast Aquarium to support the organization’s highest priorities.”